Vibration Sensors

Serie HE050

Vibration velocity


Analogue and relay output

Vibration acceleration

Temperature measurement

Series HE050 for standard vibration monitoring units and for situations with tight spaces. The product also offers the option to operate by purely digital means via IO link and a large amount of flexibility with many configuration options.

  • Two freely configurable outputs
  • Output 1: IO link or digital switching output
  • Output 2: Analogue current output (4-20 mA) or digital switching output. Many adjustment options
  • Configurable frequency range
  • Optional Functional Safety SIL 1

Inquire Product

Product brochure
Language Size Type
German 1.53 MB PDF
English 1.52 MB PDF
Instruction Manuals
Language Size Type
Czech 810 KB PDF
German 735 KB PDF
English 766 KB PDF
Spanish 728 KB PDF
French 818 KB PDF
Italian 732 KB PDF
Korean 986 KB PDF
Dutch 731 KB PDF
Polish 814 KB PDF
Portuguese (Brazil) 728 KB PDF
Swedish 731 KB PDF
Chinese 1.10 MB PDF
Specification Size Type
HE050 182 KB ZIP
Interface Specification IO-Link HE050.pdf 417 KB PDF
cULus Ord. Loc. Certification Size Type
English 352 KB PDF
3D Models Size Type
02.118.004.DXF 424 KB DXF
02.118.004.STEP 640 KB STEP

Compatible supplies


  • Vents


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  • Centrifuges


    These systems are an integral part of the processes of many sectors of industry. Both status monitoring and personal protection play a central part in this. It is here that vibration monitoring systems with SIL/PL-d authorisations are particularly applicable.

  • Vibrating troughs

    Vibrating troughs

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  • Turbines


    Turbines and generators have their application in the chemical, oil & gas or paper industries. Measurement of housing vibration is a typical process and a sound measure in status monitoring that is indispensable for the system operator.

  • Mills


    Mills are an important element in the cement industry, for instance. System components that are vital to production can be permanently monitored for vibration. This increases process safety, product quality and plant availability in a cement works.

  • Pumps


    Pumps are indispensable for conveying liquid or solid media, making them a permanent feature of any industry. Vibration monitoring is the means of helping the system operator to achieve functional status monitoring.

  • Kühltürme


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